Cassandra Leonard

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Sometimes you don’t think, you just do..

Welcome friends!

I decided that along with my website, I wanted to create a personalized space where you can interact with the inner workings of my thoughts, life, adventures, and anything else I happen to feel like writing about in the moment. This will be a place for all of the shoots that I don’t necessarily want to add onto my website interface and a place for me to go into depth about the emotions, feel, sights, sounds, etc of my time with my friends and clients.

I hope we can create an atmosphere of freedom and excitement for life and words on a page.

So to kick things off, I want to describe WHY I felt the need to make a website and why maybe you yourself should possibly be creating one too. A website is your own work of art and a place that will be there regardless of the changing trends of apps that we as social media consumers use. This is a place where your work can be pulled up with one simple plug in of your domain.

I personally hesitated for TWO years to make a website and my clients were continuously turning away because they weren’t able to look at a website. That right there should have been my first red flag.
The title of this post is “Sometimes you don’t think, you just do,” because that is how this website was birthed. I stopped thinking about the “what if’s” and started thinking about how one day someone might come along and prefer a website over social media. How even I myself prefer an in depth website over someone’s Instagram account when it comes to credibility and style.

if you’re thinking about investing in yourself and the talents that you bring forward, just begin. There will never be a “right” time to begin and when you just do it, the universe may surprise you and fulfill your dreams tenfold. Or maybe you will have to try over and over again until you get it right. But either way, you are investing in yourself which is the best investment you can ever make because you can turn around and bless others with what you have created!

So get out there and get going. The world needs what you have to offer.

Love, Cass